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Jesus Christ has not done anything wrong in His lifetime except to spread the good news for salvation. Despite that, He was still sentenced to death. It was mainly for claiming that He was the Son of God. He lived at a time when blasphemy was punishable by death.
The people that He was trying to save from sins were the same people who pushed for His death. It was an unfortunate event, but Jesus Christ didn’t stop it from happening. In fact, He welcomed the decision with open arms. He knew that it was the plan of God and He allowed it to happen to fulfill the promise of the Father.
In His short lifetime, Jesus has proven that we must do well to others even if we don’t receive the same treatment back. He also encouraged people to love one another and forgive those who have sinned. His life was such an inspiration, and the Holy Week is the perfect time to reflect on what He has sacrificed for everyone.
The need for fasting
During Holy Week, it is a common tradition among Christians to fast. The common notion is that people should not eat full meals throughout the day. Meat should also be avoided especially during Friday. Although these are acceptable forms of fasting and sacrifice, they are not the only means to do so.
The first step is to identify your bad habits. It could be excessive drinking of alcohol or smoking of cigarette. It could also be about spending too much money on shopping. During Holy Week, you put a pause on these activities. The suggestion is to stop doing them within the 40 days of Lent. If you can extend the sacrifice even after the Lenten season, it would be preferable.
The reason why it is better to sacrifice the things you are used to is because it becomes more meaningful. Not everyone has to sacrifice meals especially if you don’t have issues when it comes to the kind of food that you eat.
A time for reflection

The Holy Week is also a time for reflection. Look back at everything that Christ has sacrificed to save us from our sins. He didn’t ask for it. His only goal was to spread love to mankind. In exchange, he was crucified to death.
His death was the ultimate sacrifice and symbol of love for us. It was centuries ago when he was mercilessly killed by humans, but until now, we keep killing Him with our sins. Take some time to reflect on your life in general. Think of all the bad things that you have done towards yourself and others.
Even if you are a non-believer of Christ, His story must serve as an inspiration. He has done good things to people whom He didn’t even know. He has shown how to forgive even to the ones who hurt us the most. He has also remained humble and kind.
Continue His legacy

It was a long time ago since Christ stepped on Earth, but the values He has taught remains alive. Again, there is no need for you to be a believer to continue practicing the values He has espoused. Now, more than ever, we need to show goodness to our fellow human beings. We have become more divided. There are wars in various parts of the world. We are torn apart because of politics, religion, and other personal beliefs.
The Holy Week is the time for us to think of everything that we have done in life and assess how we can do better moving forward. No one can tell us to change or make sacrifices. Change must come from within. It should also happen not just because of the Lenten season, but because we want to change for the better.
Three days after His death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and resurrected. This miraculous event was the pinnacle of the Christian faith. For us, it means that we can always die inside, but eventually stand up again and be a better person.
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